How To Renovate Your Kitchen To Add Value To Your Property?

March 16, 2021

For many people the kitchen is at the heart of the home, whether it’s the source of delicious baking, the place the family get together over dinner every day or just the best room at parties. The kitchen also offers one of the biggest returns for the homeowner or the investor when it comes to renovation and value.

While many expect renovation to be costly, renovating a kitchen can be surprisingly cheap. Most kitchens will have existing features that, with a little attention and work, can be transformed. Simply replacing a few items can create the sense of a totally new kitchen. Investing in a kitchen renovation — big or small — is one of the most cost-effective ways to add value to your Manchester property.

Thinking about what you want

If you are renovating for investment then the kitchen is one of the most important rooms. When potential buyers view your property the kitchen — along with the bathroom — is one of the few rooms they cannot easily change. It’s important to get it right, you don’t want potential buyers put off by a kitchen that doesn’t meet their expectations.

If you were renovating a smaller kitchen in a terraced house in an area of Manchester like Abrams, for example, your plans would likely be totally different to a kitchen renovation in a large detached house in Bowden. The kitchen should be in keeping with the rest of the property; getting the balance wrong will have an adverse impact on buyers.

Of course, if you are renovating purely for your own use and planning on spending years in your house enjoying your kitchen you will need to base your renovation plans on what you want your kitchen to be. Is it a purely functional room, or do you want it to be a centrepiece of the house for relaxing and entertaining?

Either way, what are the best ways to maximise the impact of your renovation without breaking the bank?

Keeping costs down

Regardless of the reasons behind your renovation, the ways to keep costs down are the same. A transformation need not be expensive, even if the starting point is some of the worst design the 80s had to offer!

Keep the layout

The kitchen often acts as a hub, not just socially, but also for utilities. The kitchen will need water, electricity and frequently gas. Moving these can be expensive, so if you can renovate without moving the layout of your kitchen too much you can avoid the expense of electrical, plumbing and gas work.

The same goes for the room itself. While the current trend is to maximise natural light with an open plan design and kitchen islands, adding windows or knocking down walls will quickly add to the expense. The closer your renovated kitchen is to the existing kitchen the less it will cost.

Keep the old

Another place to help keep the costs of renovation down is to retain what you can. While this might not always be possible or desirable, aesthetic tastes can change dramatically. However, particularly in older houses, some original fittings might be worth keeping, an existing Belfast or London butler sink, for example, can be worth more than any replacement you can buy.

It’s also worth keeping white goods if you can. Most kitchen appliances have a long life-span and unless they are reaching the end of their life keeping them will help lower the final bill. The individual costs may be relatively low, but when they are all replaced the price will soon mount, especially if you are also paying for installation.

Do the cosmetics

Another way to transform the kitchen while managing the budget is to focus on what you can see. Most kitchens will have fitted storage and, if you are keeping the same layout, you can consider options like repainting or replacing doors rather than installing an entirely new kitchen.

Similarly, replacing worktops or even the flooring can make a huge difference. Worn surfaces may highlight the kitchen as the beating heart of a home, but a buyer won’t be interested in the stories behind the wear and tear of previous owners.

Maximising returns

You should also think about how to maximise your returns, whether they are the sale price or the joy you get from your kitchen. Either way, although this might add to the cost of your renovation it should be considered as an investment.

Make sure it’s well lit

People like kitchens to be light, so make sure the lighting, natural or artificial is up to the job, even if that means the expense of additional lighting. And don’t forget that a kitchen that looks beautiful with natural light on a summer’s day might not be quite as bright when a buyer views it on a grey and rainy day.

Have surfaces that speak

Worktops can be expensive, especially if you are buying premium surfaces. However, think about the property as a whole. At the higher end of the market people will expect higher specifications and walking into a kitchen with cheap MDF surfaces will jar if the rest of the house has been beautifully renovated.

The kitchen should follow the standards of the rest of the house but remember that worktops are the largest horizontal surface in the house after floors and frequently in use. Make sure they don’t let you down, but instead highlight the kitchen’s beauty and durability.

Pay attention to details

Like anywhere else in the renovation make sure you pay attention to the details. The kitchen has a number of possible snagging points, literally, which can take the edge off things for a potential buyer. Do those drawers close smoothly when they reach to test them? Do those cupboard doors close properly, or is there a big gap between them?

While small details, and remarkably cheap to address, these little things will make a huge difference in the minds of the buyers. Make sure they don’t let your house down.

Enjoying the returns

Just as every property is different so is every renovation. But with thoughtful planning renovating your kitchen is one of the cost-effective ways to enhance the value of your house. The real question is whether that value is returned in the sale price or simply the enjoyment of your new kitchen.

If you are thinking about renovating your kitchen in the Manchester area then we can help you. Simply contact us and we can offer you a free quote to transform your kitchen.

Our team will help you decide what you want to achieve with your kitchen and how you can accomplish it. Our free quote will include everything, working in your budget to make sure you get the best value from every penny. And our services can be planned around you, with our profession workmen minimising the disruption and completing your kitchen on time.

Get in touch, we are here to help you create your dream kitchen and make it a reality.
